Taiwan SPCA六大主要工作分別為:動物虐待案件調查、法規修法、議題宣導、送養、專題研究及動物福利教育。
The Taiwan SPCA is asking our supporters to join our monthly donor program, by giving just $20nt a day which is just $600 NT a month, you will be supporting the very important work of the Taiwan SPCA, including:
animal cruelty investigations all across Taiwan, lobbying for better regulations to protect animals, campaigning for change, rehoming animals, humane education, and research. We believe that we must tackle the root of problems in order to bring about change, please support us by signing up as a monthly donor. You will receive a tax-deductible receipt for your donations and be able to cancel at any time. Thank you for your support.
• 現在就加入定期定額捐款• Sign up as a monthly donor: https://bit.ly/3hHxJKm
其他愛心捐款管道 Other donation methods, please visit: www.spca.org.tw
1.ATM轉帳 - 國泰世華營業部分行(013) 帳號:218-03-501375-5
2.PayPal 線上捐款 support@spca.org.tw
3.郵局劃撥 - 社團法人台灣防止虐待動物協會: 50198373