



In the October of 2013, it was reported to the Taiwan SPCA that someone had posted a video of animal abuse on Facebook, a video depicting a dogfight in Taichung. Since this involved severe animal abuse and violated the Animal Protection Act, our inspectors immediately reported this footage to the Taichung Animal Protection and Health Inspection Office. Owing to the severity of the case, the Taichung Animal Protection Office handed it over to the Taichung District Prosecutors Office. After one year of tracking the case and the sending of documents back and forth, we finally learned that, at in October 2014, the Taiwan Miaoli District Court had sentenced the offender to 30 days of detention or to pay a fine”.

Actually, it often occurs that we receive videos of animal abuse that have been shared on social media but cannot find the individual involved, and therefore cannot take any legal action to punish the person. So, upon hearing that there had been a sentencing, we were all very excited. However, it is very unfortunate that the litigant was sentenced to less than the maximum possible time of a year, and that the judge would allow the time to be commuted into a fine of NT$ 30, 000.

Therefore, we hope that the judiciary can implement the spirit of the Animal Protection Act, and properly sentence abusers. If not, the latitude of the punishments makes the Animal Protection Act meaningless. Even if the Animal Protection Act is successfully amended with heavier punishments in the future, if judges still sentence violators to the lowest possible imprisonment, then all the long-term efforts to amend the current animal protection act by animal welfare organisations and legislators would be in vain.

Finally, we remind the public that animals should not be forced to fight merely to entertain people or for gambling. This is not only against the law, but also is severe animal abuse. Because animal fighting only takes place underground, it’s very hard to catch offenders, therefore we need the help of the public to report animal abuse cases. If you are aware of dogfights or cockfights, please videotape them and report them to our inspectorate!


一、以直接、間接賭博、娛樂、營業、宣傳或其他不當目的,進行動物之 間或人與動物間之搏鬥。
三、以直接、間接賭博或其他不當目的,而有虐待動物之情事,進行動物 交換或贈與。
四、於運輸、拍賣、繫留等過程中,使用暴力、不當電擊等方式驅趕動物 ,或以刀具等具傷害性方式標記。
五、於屠宰場內,經濟動物未經人道昏厥,予以灌水、灌食、綑綁、拋投 、丟擲、切割及放血。

散布、播送或販賣違反第六條、第十條或第十二條第一項之文字、圖畫、 聲音、影像、電磁紀錄或其他物品,或公然陳列,或以他法供人觀賞、聽 聞者,處一年以下有期徒刑、拘役或科或併科三萬元以下罰金。但為供學術研究或公益用途者,不在此限。

Law Tip
Animal Protection
Act Article 10
Actions prohibited from being applied to animals:
1. To arrange fighting between animals or between a human and an animal for the purposes of direct or indirect gambling, entertainment, business
   considerations, propaganda, or any other inappropriate purpose.
2. To use animals to compete for the purpose of direct or indirect gambling.
3. To trade or give away an animal for the purpose of direct or indirect gambling or other inappropriate purposes which lead to animal abuse.
4. To use violence or electric shocks inappropriately to goad animals when transporting, auctioning, and leashing them, or to use a knife to mark them.
5. To force drinking, to force-feed, to tie, to toss, to throw, to cut, to blood let livestock, or to kill them in an inhumane way in slaughter houses.
6. Any behavior that is in violation of the decency of society.

Article 27-1
Forwarding, broadcasting, or selling any description, depiction, voice recording, video, CD or any other material, that violates Articles 6, 10, or Article 12, Clause 1, or to display these in public or to allow people to watch or listen to these by any means, can be sentenced by the maximum of one year imprisonment or detention and / or a fine of NT$ 30, 000. The purposes of academic research or public welfare is not subject to this article.